#~ DeltaHub Spawn Module ~
#~ NOTE: This feature is currently in BETA mode. Your feedback ~
#~ is valuable in refining our services. If you encounter ~
#~ any issues, please disable it and inform us! ~
# General information about the module
SETSPAWN: # Info on the main /setspawn command
DESCRIPTION: 'Set a spawn' # What should the command description be? This command sets the spawn point.
PERMISSION: 'deltahub.staff.spawn.setspawn' # What should the permission to use the command be?
ALIASES: # What should the base command aliases be?
- 'setspawn'
- 'setspawnpoint'
- 'ssp'
- 'sethub'
SPAWN: # Info on the main /spawn command
DESCRIPTION: 'Teleport to Spawn' # What should the command description be? This command teleports you to the spawn point.
PERMISSION: 'deltahub.members.spawn.spawn' # What should the permission to use the command be?
ALIASES: # What should the base command aliases be?
- 'spawn'
SPAWN: # Information about the default spawn location
WORLD: "world" # The default world where the spawn point is located.
X: 0.0 # The X-coordinate of the spawn point.
Y: 64.0 # The Y-coordinate of the spawn point.
Z: 0.0 # The Z-coordinate of the spawn point.
YAW: 0.0 # The horizontal rotation at the spawn point.
PITCH: 0.0 # The vertical rotation at the spawn point.
MESSAGES: # Messages displayed during command execution
PLAYER-ONLY: "&cThis command can only be executed by players." # Message displayed when a non-player entity attempts to execute the command.
SPAWN-SET: "&aSpawn point has been set successfully!" # Confirmation message upon successfully setting the spawn point.
TELEPORTED: "&aYou have been teleported to spawn!" # Teleportation Message
Last updated